
The Caxton College Sports Club–‘Club Deportivo’–was created as a way for young people to complement their personal and academic education with sport. Caxton College’s excellence and professionalism carries over into the area of sport, providing training based on performance and values education.

The Sports Club includes both individual and team sports, such as tennis, basketball, football, judo, athletics, swimming and karate. All of these sports have professional, experienced coaches. Our Club is also open to young people who study at schools other than Caxton College.

Ana Belén Álvaro is the co-ordinator of the Sports Club. A former professional basketball player, she was a member of the Spanish women’s team, and now brings to Caxton College her experience in competitive sport.

In addition, Paco Navarro is the manager of the prestigious Caxton Football Club, and is a professional coach with more than 20 years of experience as a football player and as a coach in various football clubs. The extensive careers of both professionals guarantee a continually growing environment of sport.

The school’s excellent facilities contribute to the benefits of these sport activities, all of which is making Caxton College known for more than just academics.

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