Sustainable School in Secondary and Sixth Form

Inside and Outside the Classroom

For over a decade, Secondary students have had lessons in Personal Development as a compulsory element of their curriculum. In this subject, we teach our pupils the value of helping those less fortunate, as well as the importance of using good judgement and ethical decision making in order to resolve their problems. A number of social aspects are also discussed to promote a tolerant and dutiful attitude towards their community. With this we aim to plant a seed of social responsibility so that in future, the students will grow into individuals who are committed to making society more sustainable.

Some of the topics and projects that are carried out in the classroom are:

  • How to promote emotional intelligence.
  • Developing health life habits.
  • The responsible use of new technologies and social media.
  • How to work towards a more equal society.
  • Forming healthy relationships.
  • Evaluation of different sources of information before taking decisions.
  • Analysis of publicity and stereotypes.
  • The importance of developing a positive self-image and strong self-esteem.

We Think About the Environment

In Secondary we promote initiatives both as part of the curriculum as well as outside of it that help our students to become aware of a context beyond educational theory. In the classrooms, there is a commitment to guiding our pupils to become citizens who will take on the social challenges that protecting the environment faces.

Some examples are:

  • We have a Recycling Club made up of students who regularly take paper and plastic to the appropriate containers.
  • Students participate in the European Youth Parliament, where policies of environmental action are debated.
  • Some Sixth Form students choose to complete an Extended Project Qualification for extra points for university admission, and some of these projects are on topics related to sustainability.
  • House Competitions take place whose aim is to make students aware of the importance of recycling.
  • In the subject of Geography, students visit nature reserves in order to experience firsthand the importance of environmental conservation.
  • Students attend talks by specialists in renewable energy sources.

We Are Generous

As educators, one of our principal responsibilities is to consolidate the importance of charity among our students in order for them to come to understand that all of us are equal and have the same rights, in spite of social or cultural differences. Some of the organisations that we have worked with in the past decade are: Mamás en Acción, la Asociación Española contra el Cáncer, la Asociación Española de Mastocitosis, Cáritas, UNICEF, la Alianza Española de Familias de Von Hippel Lindau, la Asociación Periferia, Save the Children, Una sonrisa para Lucía, Puentes de África, Intermon Oxfam, Comercio Justo.

We carry out a number of activities in order to raise funds for these charity organisations.

  • Odd Socks Day (as part of Anti-Bullying Week activities): Students wear different coloured socks and bring in €1. This initiative is very popular in schools in the UK.
  • Christmas Jumper/Accessory Day: Students come to school wearing a Christmas jumper or accessory and bring in €1 in exchange.
  • Christmas Cake Stall. Pupils have a number of activities in their Personal Development lessons to help them understand the work that the charity they are supporting does, and then the students bring in cakes and biscuits for the sale.
  • Santa Claus Fundraising. For three days, Year 13 students dress up as Santa Claus and encourage donations to the Christmas charity each morning.
  • School Musical. The school’s Drama and Art departments organise the production of a musical each year, performed by Secondary students. Proceeds from ticket sales go to a charity organisation.
  • Ice Cream Stall. Student Council members organise the sales of ice cream, with proceeds going to charity.
  • Summer Fair: Pupils set up various stalls with games and activities for which tickets are required. Proceeds from ticket sales go to charity.

During the academic year 18/19, we raised: €3,200.

With these actions, the school complies with the following Sustainable Development Goals:

sustainable development goals at Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College

For more information contact us