Sustainable Education in Early Years and Primary

Inside and Outside the Classroom

Throughout the curriculum for all year groups, there are termly topics and teaching resources that are fully aligned with environmental protection, charity, health and social inclusion. Examples of these unit topics are:

Examples of these termly topics are:

  • “Keeping Fit” in Year 2.
  • “Under the Sea” in Reception.
  • “People Who Help Us” in Reception.
  • “A Wonderful World” in Year 3.
  • “Real Heroes” in Year 2.
  • “The Island” in Year 6.
  • “Global Gardens” in Year 1.
  • “The Jungle” in Year 5.
  • “What Did the Elders Play With?” in Year 3.

We Think About the Environment

In our process of becoming a sustainable school, the Infant and Primary classrooms are equipped with an increasing variety of sustainable teaching resources that contribute to protecting the environment.

Throughout the school year, we celebrate a number of international days related to sustainability, and we recommend actions and activities that encourage the pupils to adopt a caring attitude towards our planet.

  • Earth Hour. Pupils learn about the importance of saving energy.
  • Waste Free Wednesdays. Pupils receive positive points for bringing their snacks in plastic-free wrapping.
  • Termly Personal Values Campaign. This includes talks and events to educate pupils about how to care for the environment.
  • Growing a vegetable garden. Early Years children experience the growing process first hand: planting, looking after the plants and picking vegetables when they are in season.
  • Eco Warriors. This is a group of pupils who lead the events related to protection of the environment.
  • Participation in the NABSS (National Association of British Schools in Spain) competition for the best ecological initiatives in schools.

We Are Generous

Throughout the academic year, the school holds charity drives to collect funds for a variety of NGOs such as the TAI Foundation, which carries out projects to assist children in Nepal. We also collaborate with CIDES, Ciudad de la Esperanza, Cáritas and Infancia Misionera.

  • Odd Socks Day (as part of Anti-Bullying Week activities): Students wear different coloured socks and bring in €1. This initiative is very popular in schools in the UK.
  • Christmas Jumper/Accessory Day: Students come to school wearing a Christmas jumper or accessory and bring in €1 in exchange.
  • Sponsored Walk: the Year 5 pupils, sponsored by their family members, do laps around a park in order to raise money.
  • Readathon: Pupils collect money from their family members for each book that they read.
  • Collection of food and non perishable item donations for charities supporting local disadvantaged groups.
  • Coin collection for Infancia Misionera with charity money boxes that state that every little bit helps.
  • The Primary Choir performs at Christmastime in the residential home for the elderly in Puçol.
  • Year 4 Religion pupils make a plasticine Nativity scene and take it to the residential home.
  • A group of residents from the home for the elderly come to the Year 5 Fallas presentation.

During the academic year 18/19, we raised: €5,434.09.

With these actions, the school complies with the following Sustainable Development Goals:

sustainable development goals at Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College
Objetivos de desarrollo Sostenible en Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College
sustainable development goals at Caxton College

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