Sport Camp

From 13th to 18th July/ From 20th to 25th July (1 or 2 weeks)

For pupils born between 2008 and 2013



Led by Paco Navarro, Caxton College Football School director, former soccer player and professional coach and manager for more than 20 years in different football clubs.

Offers intensive training geared to developing the players’ skills. It allows them to reach their maximum level of play. This campus aims for each player to continue to progress within the skill level acquired throughout the previous season.



Campus led by Ana Belén Álvaro, Caxton College sports director and former professional basketball player who has worn the Spanish national team shirt more than 200 times.

A campus with coaches from English and American basketball, focused on intensive training, technical activities and competitions that seek to improve the technique of each player and maximise their knowledge of the sport.

Choose your favourite sport

  • Day Camp from 9:00am to 7:30pm

  • Boarding Camp for pupils born between 2008 and 2011

  • British and bilingual certified coaches

  • 1 hour of leisure activities

  • 1 hour of free swim in the pool

  • Rest area with board games, reading books and music

  • 3.5 hours of intensive specific sport

  • Surf activity on Saturday at Patacona Beach (only for boarders)

Residence option at school

Athletes born between 2008 and 2011 can enjoy the option to board at school, with activities and evening shows that will be a perfect ending to their day of sports.

Discover our last Summer English Sport Camp!

Sports Camp 2019 - A chat with our coaches


  • €300 per week for the day campus
  • €395 per week for the boarding campus
  • 5% discount for enrolments confirmed before 31st March 2020

Informative booklet


For more information contact us