LAMDA Public Speaking

This year students have the option to prepare for the external exam in public speaking set by LAMDA (The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art).

These lessons allow students to improve their communication and social skills. They will learn to speak clearly in public and practise body language techniques to address an audience.

The exam is given in the month of June by examiners of the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, who travel from London to the school.

Work Experience

In Year 11 students must complete a week of work experience as part of the requirements for the subject Career Skills. Also, in the Sixth Form, Caxton College offers its students the possibility to complete work experience in several departments within the school during the summer.

The aim of this work experience is for students to have a direct relationship with the professional world and for it to be useful to them when choosing a career.

Visiting Speakers

Throughout the school year our students enjoy special talks organised by a number of different experts in a variety of fields including Art, Business, Psychology, Science, Technology and many more with the aim to enhance our students’ learning experience and provide the opportunity for them to come into contact with real world professionals and examples of real life experiences.

Our speakers


Jesús Trelis

To celebrate World Press Freedom Day, the Editor in Chief of Las Provincias newspaper, Jesús Trelis, offered an interactive talk with Year 10 students in which he discussed the situation of journalism around the world and the new realities facing the press.

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Dr. Álvaro Pascual-Leone

We would like to share with you the talk given by Dr. Álvaro Pascual-Leone, researcher and professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School, which took place at the 3rd Educational Innovation Forum organised by our school under the title “The Challenge of Educating a Healthy Brain”.

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Lucio Godoy

Celebrating International Music Day with Lucio Godoy, renowned composer (winner of a Goya Award) and teacher at Berklee College of Music in Valencia. An extraordinary visit for our fantastic Music students.

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José Saborit, painter, poet and professor

Here is a short video on our Year 11 & 13 students Art exhibition. The painter, poet and professor José Saborit came as a special guest and he shared creative experiences with our young artists.

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Professor Tom Bennett

Highlights of the talk given by Professor Tom Bennett during  our 2nd Forum on Educational Innovation, titled ‘The Teaching Revolution: Education based on evidence, not superstition’.

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Bernardo Guzmán

Bernardo Guzmán, aveteran journalist at Cadena SER radio station, has visited our school to celebrate the World Press Freedom Day. Year 10 students have had the opportunity to speak with him about the importance of this democratic right.

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International Music Day

Video of our International Music Day celebration with the renowned jazz musician Josvi Muñoz, a graduate of the prestigious Berklee College of Music in Boston.

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Carles Villeta

We have celebrated World Press Freedom Day. To mark our celebration of Wold Press Freedom Day, the Year 10 students attended a very enjoyable talk by Carles Villeta, presenter and director of “Mediodía” and “La Tarde” on the Cadena Cope radio station. He helped the students to understand the importance of this fundamental right.

Click here to see his visit

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Professor Bob Lenz

We would like to share a few of the highlights of the talk given by Professor Bob Lenz from the U.S., which took place at the 1st Forum on Innovation in Education organised by the school in collaboration with La Caixa Foundation.

Click here to watch the video

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Enrique Palomares

Enrique Palomares, Valencia Orchestra´s lead violinist, celebrated International Music Day with us.

Click here to see his visit

Click here to see the Primary Choir Performance

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Julio Monreal

We celebrated World Press Freedom Day together with Julio Monreal, director of the Levante newspaper.

Click here to see his visit 

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Paco Roca

It was great getting to know the creative process behind the talented cartoonist, Paco Roca. 
Click here to see his visit

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Yaron Traub

Yaron Traub is a pianist and the Director of the Valencian Orchestra at the Palau de la Música.

Click here to see his visit

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Special Days

At Caxton College we aim to raise awareness of particular global issues by celebrating international days recognised by the United Nations and other international organisations: Human Rights Day, International Day for Development of Sport and Peace, World Book Day, Remembrance Day and many more.

This is reflected within the curriculum as the school organises educational campaigns with experience-based activities in association with some of these special days, to highlight further the importance and relevance of these issues in society whilst allowing time for reflection.


The school offers a number of opportunities for students to participate in external competitions, either as part of a team or individually, in different academic areas. Teachers encourage students to participate in these competitions, where they can acquire skills that will be very useful for their professional future.

One of these initiatives is the European Youth Parliament, where a group of students from different European countries meet periodically to analyse the current political situation; the Maths competition Jornadas Matemáticas allows students to demonstrate their skills in this subject; UK Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge aims to challenge students from more than forty countries with fun and creative computer programming tasks; the Olimpiada Nacional de Química focuses its attention on the knowledge of Chemistry; the Desafío Robot allows kids to craft and programme their own technological devices.

It should be noted that our students gain outstanding awards every year in these external competitions.


Our pupils have the opportunity to celebrate the end of each academic year outside of the school environment with trips that last from one night to a week away, either within Spain or abroad, depending on the student’s year group.

On these trips organised by the school, pupils develop different abilities, work together in a new environment and take on new challenges; but most of all, they learn to overcome any fears or uncertainties through these activities.

These trips are an incredible opportunity to improve personal skills such as independent learning, self-management, communication, teamwork, problem-solving and leadership qualities.

One of the most important tasks that the school undertakes is not only to guarantee the academic level of its pupils, but also to provide them with a broad curriculum that offers them ways to develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally.

School Musical

Each year we give a performance of a well-known musical for children in order to raise funds which go toward one of the charities that we support, the Spanish chapter of the VHL Alliance (Alianza Española de Familias de von Hippel-Lindau).

This artistic initiative allows our Secondary students to demonstrate their talents and English language skills. In addition, it allows both students and adults to work together as a team.

Participating in such an enriching academic activity reinforces the students’ self-confidence, improves their communication skills and enhances their language skills. It also fosters creativity and develops empathy, emotional intelligence, responsibility and commitment in the student actors. Dramatic art is an incredibly fun activity that allows our pupils to form new bonds of friendship.


The Duke of Edinburgh´s International Award

Pupils in Years 10, 11 and 12 have the option to participate in the competition known as the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award (Bronze, Silver and Gold). This is a personal development programme comprised of different levels where students complete activities and challenges to demonstrate their abilities to work as part of a team.


CREST awards 

The CREST awards have been running in the UK for over thirty years and are organized by the British Association for Science. Three levels (Bronze, Silver and Gold) are available to pupils of all ages.

CREST awards allow our brightest Science pupils to work independently on a Science or Engineering project of their own choice, improving their enquiry, problem solving and communication skills. A CREST award is highly prized, for example, it is the only science initiative recognized by UCAS for use in personal statements when applying for to British Universities. At the moment Caxton College is the only school in Spain that runs a CREST Science club.

For more information


Robotic competitions 

Robotics is a growing area of technology and ever more pervasive in modern society. Knowing how to design a robot requires problem solving skills coupled with a knowledge of computer programming, sensors, actuators and electronic control devices such as micro-controllers.

Robotic competitions and challenges offer pupils at Caxton College the opportunity to compete with other schools and gain invaluable skills and experience  while working as a team meet this challenges. Every year Caxton pupils participate in Desafió Robot which takes place in the City of Sciences in Valencia where students from all over the Valencian community build robots which compete against each other. Having these skills will add value to the curriculum of our students especially in the fields of Science and Engineering.

For more information contact us