Educational Tips for Parents

Educational videos for parents, shared with us by our Psychologist Department and external professionals.

Silvia Sanchis, Primary Educational Psychologist and Cristina Pérez, Secondary Educational Psychologist, as well as other professionals in the field of childhood education, have produced a series of videos offering useful advice in different areas to help parents with queries they may have in raising their children.

Early Years and Primary

Nutritionist Julia Velasco on the importance of good eating habits in young children

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When children start playing doctors

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Rosa Jove on the five pillars of growing up happy

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When children became jealous

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Do we get enough rest?

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Bilingual Children

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Dr Fernando García-Sala on the importance of children's nutrition

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My child doesn’t obey me

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How to deal with our children's pain

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When children lie

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Mindfulness, a passing trend or a useful tool?

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Sports and Girls

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Secondary and Sixth Form

Exam Nerves

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The Revolution at Age 13

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Everyone has a mobile except me

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How to deal with frustrations

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Are we a team?

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The Dangers of "Operation bikini"

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Drug prevention

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