Medical Care

Caxton College has a medical centre, as part of its facilities, where the medical needs of students and staff are attended to, and any first aid treatments required on a day-to-day basis are given with parental authorisation. We are a cardioprotected school, we have a semi-automatic defibrillator and we train all the staff so that they can use it in case of emergency.

The school nurse, María Benedí, is in charge of the medical centre. She holds a nursing degree from the Catholic University of Valencia, and is an Old Caxtonian. She has experience in this area, having worked in the ICU at the Valencian Institute of Oncology, as well as in the maternity and paediatric ward of the 9 de Octubre Hospital. She holds a master’s degree in School Nursing in order to specialise in those health problems occurring in school age children, as well as in promoting children’s health and in prevention.

In addition to looking after the pupils every day, María Benedí also carries out health campaigns and gives talks and practical lessons in first aid for students and staff. She is also in charge of supervising special diets, allergies and medicines for pupils.

Dr. Mascarós, a specialist in family medicine, comes to the medical centre one day per week in order to see any pupils or school employees who require medical advice.

Thanks to our agreement with the Rahhal Clinic, pupils (from Reception to Year 6) have periodical ophthalmological check-ups with the aim of preventing and detecting any possible problems.

The specialists examine:

  • Clarity of vision
  • Eye motility
  • Sense of colour (colour distinction)
  • Inside the eye (biomicroscopy)

These check-ups take place at the Rahhal Clinic in Valencia. Parents should call to request an appointment and state that their child attends Caxton College. This check-up is free of charge for our pupils.

Having good hearing is very important for proper development of language and, thanks to our agreement with Murcia Clinic, students in Year 1 can have their hearing checked for free. The hearing check involves:

  • Testing of the absolute threshold of hearing and diagnosis of any hearing loss.
  • The permeability of the auditory canal.
  • A check of the eardrum and middle ear functions.

This check-up only includes testing and a report of the findings. If any treatment is required, an ENT specialist should be consulted.

We reccommend pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 to have dental check-ups with the aim of preventing and detecting any problems whilst encouraging proper dental hygiene.

During these check-ups:

  • A paediatric dentist will examine milk and/or permanent teeth for cavities or other problems, as well as gums, lips and the whole mouth.
  • An orthodontist will examine the mouth to monitor development of bones, teeth, muscles and oral tissue.

The Clinics from our Caxton Community offer to our students discounts and other advantages.

Pupils can receive professional support in school to treat speech, voice or language issues.

You can book an appointment to evaluate and diagnose any disorders such as:

  • Stutters
  • Dyslalia
  • Pronunciation disorders
  • Dysphonia (hoarseness)
  • Loss of voice

The speech therapy service uses the following techniques:

  • Doman method
  • Myofunctional and orofacial therapy
  • Postural and vocal relaxation techniques
  • Dysphonia prevention and voice retraining

For more information contact us