
Club Manager: Paco Navarro It is very important to have a positive attitude right from the start, showing interest in all of the games and exercises, always giving 200% in training, and treating each training session as if it were the last one just before the most important game of your life. The only way for players to improve is by giving the most they can at each training session and during every match. You must always aim to make the best use of your time while at the Football Club, so that everyone can learn.
You are a team member, and a part of a prestigious Football Club. You must respect everyone who is part of the Club: the trainers (who only want the best for the team and for each of the players) and especially your team mates, without whom you could not play your favourite sport: football.
  1. Be punctual, arriving at training sessions as early as possible.
  2. Football Club clothes, to be able to train: Players must wear the current season’s kit to all training sessions.
  3. Inform of any absences as much in advance as possible (at least 2 hours beforehand). The trainers plan the sessions around the number of players who are going to be present.
  4. Respect the changing room, it’s your “home from home”: You should always behave appropriately, looking after it and everything you may find there, including your team-mates’ belongings. You should not play in the changing room, as it is easy to slip and fall, and someone could get hurt.
  5. Be disciplined and well-behaved during training sessions. You must respect all the trainers’ rules and decisions. Likewise, there must be companionship between team-mates, encouraging, supporting and helping each other any way you can. We are a team, everyone is a part of it and we can only improve as individuals if all of us improve, ie, when the team as a whole learns.
  1. Pay attention all the time: Do not interrupt the trainers’ explanations, and wait until the end to ask questions. This way, you will have more time to play.
  2. Avoid wasting time between games, by following these simple guidelines: Everyone should help to collect the equipment (goalposts, cones, etc.), go to drink in the order you were given, and come back quickly to listen to the explanation for the next move.
  3. At the end of training, everyone should help to return all the equipment, then do the stretches and listen to the trainers’ rules. You can drink while stretching, but in silence so as to be able to hear all the trainers’ comments.
  4. Everyone must return to the changing room together, in an orderly manner, without racing or playing. You must show that you are an organised, polite team at all times.
  5. After each training session, remember to eat some fruit, as this is the best time to replace lost energy.
  1. Arrive on time to all matches, at the time set down by your trainer. As a general rule, this is at least 1 hour before the match.
  2. Inform of any absences as much in advance as possible (at least the afternoon before the match, so as to give the trainer enough time to call on another team-mate if necessary).
  3. The match begins when you go into the changing room: you must be focused, thinking about the strategies you are going to use and listening attentively to what the trainers have to say.
  4. During warm-up you must try to do your best: a good warm-up is essential in order to be able to play well. If the opposing team sees that you are a strong, focused team, who are confident during the warm-up, you will have gained their respect right from the start.
  5. During the matches, you should encourage and support your teammates, while being respectful to everyone who is taking part in the game (opposing team, trainers, referee and supporters). You have to learn how to accept the referee’s and trainers’ decisions.
  1. During training and matches, all players must use the football kit (including the sports bag).
  2. Each player is responsible for their kit and any equipment. This also includes preparing their sports bag before going to the training sessions and/or matches.
  3. Each player is responsible for the care and cleaning of their kit. A good impression of the team includes not only its behaviour, but also the cleanliness and condition of the kit they wear.
  4. It is very important not to lose any of the kit. You must make sure before you leave the changing room that you have not left anything behind, and any problems with kit or equipment should be passed on immediately to the trainer.
  5. It is forbidden to wear rings, chains, bracelets, watches, etc. during the training sessions and/or matches.
  1. As well as respecting our own club facilities, you must also respect other clubs’ facilities.
  2. You must treat all club equipment as if it were yours, and look after and respect it.
  3. There is a schedule so that everyone takes their turn at looking after equipment. You must follow the schedule set down for you. If you are unsure about anything, ask your trainer. If you ever need help from more team-mates, your trainers will see to this.
  1. If at all possible, it is recommended that you attend all matches, unless there is a justifiable reason that makes this impossible.
  2. Even if you are not playing in this particular match, you are still a part of the team, and you can cheer on and support your team-mates and friends, any chance you get.
  1. If a player arrives late for a match: – More than 10’ late: he will be sanctioned by spending time out on the bench. – Arriving more than 20’ after the start of the match: he will not be allowed to play. – The second time he arrives late, he will not be allowed to play.
  1. Any player who does not have his Caxton College F.C. kit with him (without a justifiable reason):
  2. Will not be allowed to play in the match in question (in the event of a match).
  3. Will not be allowed to train (in the event of a training session).
  4. Any lack of respect or rudeness towards team-mates, rival players, referees, the trainers or the general public will be sanctioned by the Football Club Manager (which could potentially lead to expulsion from the Football Club).
  5. Any lack of discipline will be sanctioned by the Football Club Manager (which could potentially lead to expulsion from the Football Club).
  1. The players and their parents will be informed after the last training session (at the football grounds) of the time of the next match, as well as being told which kit they will need.
  2. Players must arrive at the match grounds with all the kit they need in order to play: tracksuit, parka, ¾ length shorts, etc. There, they will change into their kit for the match in the changing room. For the warm-up they should wear their sweatshirts, which they can also use while sitting on the bench.
  3. Matches will be announced on the Football Club noticeboard (located in the Caxton College Sports Centre). Players and/or parents should regularly check these timetables themselves.
  4. Any last-minute changes will be notified by email or phone. However, it is still advisable that you check the announcements every Thursday evening.
It is very important to observe good behaviour while on the bus for safety reasons and also in the interests of encouraging a good team spirit. Therefore, students:

  1. Must use the seatbelts provided.
  2. Must be seated correctly.
  3. May not eat or drink on the bus.
  4. May not use either pens or pencils while on the bus.
  5. Must remain fully seated until the bus has come to a complete stop, either at their stop or at the school.
  6. Must leave their bags under their seats. They cannot be left on the overhead shelf compartments.
  7. May not use electronic devices or take photographs (including mobile phones).
  8. Punctuality is also essential, as the bus cannot wait for any student otherwise the whole route will be delayed. The bus will leave at the scheduled time, both going to and coming from training.
  • In the event that a student misses the bus back home:

1- The student must remain at the sports grounds where their training takes place (Masía Grava – football 11 and/or Caxton College – football 8) until it can be arranged for them to be collected by an adult. 2- A Caxton College staff member will inform the child’s parents that he has missed the bus so that they can come to collect him.

  • In the event that a student misses the bus on the way to training:

1- The student must remain at Caxton College, after informing the Sports Centre staff that he has missed the bus. 2- The student will stay there, doing supervised homework, until the return bus leaves to take the students home, or he can be taken to the sports ground by a staff member from the club, if one is available. Under no circumstances will a student who has missed the bus be allowed to leave the facilities until an adult arrives to collect him.

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