Temporada 2017/2018

The aim of these regulations is to improve the internal organisation of the Club and to promote a good sporting and social atmosphere among the different groups.

Knowledge of, complying with and acceptance of these regulations by coaches, team members and their families is a requirement for participation in the Club.

These regulations are to be applied in the following areas:


◦ Club members from when they sign up until they withdraw.

◦ Coaches, monitors, and specialist and administrative Club personnel.

◦ Parents of Club members from when their children sign up until when they withdraw, in all of the areas applicable to them.

◦ Persons or entities that may occasionally be a part of the Club.

Physical location:

◦ All facilities, their own or others’, that are used by the Club for training sessions, matches or any other activities.

◦ During any Club activities, whether they are training sessions, matches or any other kind of activity (meetings etc).

◦ Any situation or space in which a person can be associated with the Club.

The coach is the representative of the Club for all members of the team and in dealing with all people unconnected with the Club, making up one unified group.


  1. To carry out their role with the required independence, in accordance with the Club’s ethos and the instructions given by the Sport Managers.
  2. To be informed of all competitions and matters related to the Club in general, and the decisions that affect it or that affect the team, specifically.
  3. To be treated with courtesy and respect by all members of the Club.
  4. To have the necessary resources and tools, provided by the Club, in order to be able to carry out his/her job appropriately.


Planning and organising the group

  1. To plan the season and activities for which he/she is responsible, following the Club instructions.
  2. Monitor the attendance of players at training sessions and matches.

Attendance and Timetables

  1. To attend all activities (matches, training sessions, trips to and from etc) organised for the group.
  2. To participate in and attend all meetings and activities at which the Club requests his/her presence.
  3. To be punctual and keep to the established timetables. For training sessions, arrival should be 15 minutes in advance in order to ready all of the equipment; and for competitions, arrival will generally be an hour in advance, or 30-45 minutes.
  4. To remain within the facilities until all of the players have left. The coach will wait until younger players have been collected by a family member.
  5. Inform and give sufficient advance notice, both to players and their families, of any modification to the established plan: timetable, facilities, sport commitments etc.


  1. To dress according to the planned activities. For training sessions, it is compulsory to wear sport clothing, preferably that provided by the Club. During competition events, it is compulsory to wear street clothing (not sport clothing).
  2. To monitor the uniform worn by the players and make sure that they are wearing the appropriate clothing and shoes for participating in sport.

Professional Training

  1. To improve his/her technical and tactical knowledge, as well as in other aspects of sport.
  2. To learn the rules and regulations for all of the required tasks: calendar, regulations, competition rules etc.

Internal and External Relations

  1. To treat all players with respect and to have a good relationship with all of them, whilst avoiding favouritism or excessive familiarity.
  2. To limit the contact with players through mobile phone messaging to subjects purely related to group and club activities.
  3. Special care should be taken with contact via social media, due to their public nature.
  4. To address queries by family members.
  5. To treat all people and entities involved with the activity respectfully (opposing team, the public, referees and officials etc), avoiding the use of any attitude or gesture that could result in an altercation or violence. In matches and competitions, the final decisions made by referees will be accepted, although a justified complaint may later be made via the established procedure if a decision is felt to be unfair.
  6. To inform the Club about any request made by the mass media interested in any information information about the Club. It is strictly prohibited to give out any information of this kind.
  7. To refrain from making public comments (especially on social media) referring to people or entities related to the Club and any competitions in which it participates that could be offensive to any third person and/or affect the image of the Club.

Equipment and Facilities

  1. To make sure proper use is made of all equipment and facilities during any of the Club’s activities.

  1. To receive training and instruction according to the the Club’s philosophy.
  2. To receive this physical and technical training and instruction according to the player’s age and level in order for him/her to continue to improve as a player.
  3. To have the adequate resources made available by the Club in order to achieve this.
  4. For the activities to take place in a safe and clean environment.
  5. To have complete information about all of the necessary procedures to follow and the medical centres to which a player should go if injured whilst playing.


Attendance and Timetables

  1. Attendance at all training sessions and competitions is compulsory. Any absence must be notified and justified in advance. In cases of force majeure, this should be done afterwards as soon as possible.
  2. Players should arrive punctually at all competitions and/or activities to which the Club has requested their attendance.


  1. To have the appropriate Club uniform made available and to wear it when required. For training sessions, the training uniform should be worn; and for competitions, the match uniform and Club track suit should be worn.
  2. Players may not wear watches, earrings or any other external items during sporting events. If anything cannot be removed, it should be covered.

Financial and Bureaucratic Matters

  1. To present the required documentation in order to be enrolled in the Club and/or to be officially listed as a player with the appropriate Federation.
  2. To pay the fees within the periods established by the Club. Once the player has been officially listed with the Federation, withdrawal from the Club does not exempt the player from paying the initial fee, although subsequent fees for the season will not be charged.

Behaviour and Relationships

  1. To respect the freedom of conscience, dignity, integrity and privacy of all members of the Club, avoiding any kind of discrimination.
  2. To behave at all times with courtesy and respect at all activities.
  3. To refrain from making any comments (most especially on social media) referring to people and/or entities with which the Club is associated and that could be offensive to third persons and/or affect the image of the Club.
  4. To actively participate and make a maximum effort in all training sessions and competitions.
  5. If a player is injured, he/she must follow the coach’s instructions in order to follow the legal procedures that have been established for cases when medical attention is required.

Equipment and Facilities

  1. To make appropriate use of all facilities and equipment made available, following all specific regulations in each case.


  1. It is compulsory to shower after all training sessions and competitions (in cases of very young players, the decision will be made by the coach after consultation with the Club).
  2. To request the Club’s authorisation before agreeing to participate in any activities involving external entities or to which the invitation did come through the CD Caxton College.
  3. To respect and abide by all decisions made by the sports director and Club coaches.
  4. To abide by these Regulations and all other Club rules.
The role played by parents and guardians is fundamental to good relations and to making sure that players make the appropriate progress. Without their collaboration, it would be impossible to carry out the Club’s aims and project.


  1. To be treated respectfully by all members of the Club.
  2. To receive all information from the coach that may interest them to know about their children (progress in the sport, behaviour, attendance etc).
  3. To receive information about the rules of organisation of the different competitions their children will participate in from the Club.
  4. To inform the Club of any allegations or requests that they believe are necessary if they believe their rights or their children’s rights have been infringed upon.


  1. To hand in any documents or information about their children that is requested regarding personal details, medical information etc, with regards to sport activity.
  2. To comply with enrolment deadlines for all Club activities.
  3. To ensure that their children attend all training sessions, competitions and other activities organised by the team or the Club at the established times.
  4. To contribute to proper upkeep of their children’s uniform, since this is fundamental to the image of the Club.
  5. To respect the work and decisions of the coaches as they carry out their duties.
  6. To avoid criticising or expressing opinions regarding the coaches or players, particularly in front of their children.
  7. To maintain a positive attitude towards all participants, and not create situations or show attitudes that could generate tension or violence.
  8. To refrain from making public comments (especially on social media) referring to people or entities related to the Club and any competitions in which it participates that could be offensive to any third person and/or affect the image of the Club.
  9. To respect and abide by the Club’s and its coaches’ decisions.
  10. To abide by these Regulations and all other Club rules, and ensure that their children also abide by them.
Discipline Committee

  1. The Discipline Committee is the body in charge of studying, and if necessary setting punishment for, all conduct by players that is contrary to the Club Regulations and that is considered serious or very serious, or any conduct by other members of the Club that is considered necessary.

Scope and classification of infractions

1 The scope refers to the discipline committee for any member of the Club, but particularly:

  • Players
  • Coaches

2 Infractions are grouped in the following classifications, according to which punishment will be given:

  • Minor
  • Serious
  • Very Serious

Minor Infractions

  1. Repeated lateness or absence without justification
  2. Minor lack of respect
  3. Expulsion from a training session or match.
  4. Acts of misbehaviour, insult or offense that are minor, either personally or via social media.
  5. Inappropriate use or minor damage of equipment or facilities.

These infractions will be evaluated by the coach, who will set forth the punishment, and who will notify the Club of any that result in suspension from any matches or training sessions.

Serious Infractions

  1. Repetition of any minor infractions.
  2. Serious lack of respect, either personally or via social media.
  3. Serious acts of misbehaviour, insult or offense, or other actions that could damage the Club’s image.
  4. Physical aggression or serious insults.
  5. Serious misuse or damage of equipment or facilities, resulting in work to repair the damage done and/or payment for the required repairs to be made.

Very Serious Infractions

  1. Repeated very serious acts of misbehaviour, physical aggression, insult or offense, or other actions that could damage the Club’s image.
  2. Abuse of authority.
  3. Refusal to abide by punishments given.
  4. Three (3) serious infractions in the same season.

Procedure for Punishment

  1. For those infractions in which the Discipline Committee must become involved, either procedurally or after request by coaches or the Sports Directors, all persons who can provide information will be consulted before deciding on the punishment. If the offender is a minor, his or her parents, guardians or another person who can best represent the child’s rights must be present.
  2. Once the case has been decided, all parties will be informed of the result in writing, including the infractions. If the offender is a minor, the parents, guardians or another person who can best represent the child’s rights will be informed, and they will decide how to communicate the decision to the child.
  3. If there is any disagreement with a punishment given, an appeal may be made to the Club within no more than 48 hours from notification of the punishment.
  4. The Management will decide if the case is to be dismissed if circumstances dictate.
  5. For those cases in which there is a penalty by the Federation, any further punishment will be evaluated, except in cases of Very Serious infractions, which could result in expulsion from the Club.

Season Fees

  1. The player commits for an entire season, and is liable for the fees for the whole season, which are to be paid at the time of enrolment.
  2. Filing the player’s details with the Federation requires the player to be up-to-date with all payments, and for any pending payments to be made beforehand.
  3. The season’s fees (not including uniform) are divided into two payments. The first payment will be 60% and the second will be 40%, and the deadlines for payment will be determined by the Club.
  4. Use of school bus transport carries an additional fee.
  5. Extra Club activities in which the player participates may also carry an additional fee, if necessary. Parents will be informed of these costs in advance and before confirming attendance.

Trips and Travel

  1. For any trips required for regular competition, parents will be responsible for any expenses associated with travel to or at the destination. Players will be responsible for paying for all meals, unless an overnight stay is required.
  2. The Club may accept the expenses, or part of the expenses, of the coaches and players for tournaments or extraordinary competitions if it is deemed appropriate.

For more information contact us