Making an initial application for a place

In order to request a place in CISC we encourage you to:

Contact us and request an application form in one of the following ways:

– Call us on + 34 96 142 41 72.
– Write to us at
– Complete and send our online application form.

Send, along with the completed application form, your child’s final school reports from the last two academic years, along with a translation into English where necessary.

Organise a visit.

Request a place for your child at least one full year before their proposed date of entry. We cannot offer places in year groups where the classes are full.

Applications do not confirm places as these are subject to availability.  Places are offered on a first come first served basis.  Where places are not available children will be added to the waiting list.

If your child is placed on our waiting list we will contact you in the event that a place becomes available.

Entrance tests and interview

Where places are available, we will arrange a convenient time for your child to come to school to sit entrance tests.

Students applying to the Caxton International Study Centre will sit entrance tests in English, Maths and Science.

If, due to distance, you are unable to organise for your child to come to school to take entrance tests, we can arrange for these to be taken at their current school.

On the day of testing your child will meet the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher for a short chat.

If your child sits the entrance tests at their current school we will later organise to meet them via video conference.

Acceptance and enrolment

If your child has satisfactory entrance test results we will request a reference from their current school.

Places are offered subject to satisfactory entrance test results and references.

Where a place is offered and accepted, parents will either enrol at school or return the completed enrolment form via email.

Once the enrolment form has been completed and received parents will be charged the enrolment fee.

Before starting

In order to welcome you and your child to your new school and to prepare for the year ahead, an Induction Morning takes place before the start of term.  This offers your child the opportunity to meet with the Secondary Leadership Team, their tutor, other pupils who have completed the CISC programme, and to visit the classroom and school grounds. This is a great opportunity to ask any questions they may have regarding their first year at Caxton College.


Click here to read our Admissions Policy.

For more information contact us