Motto and Ethos

Honeste Vivere

With this motto as the driving force behind our educational ethos, we aim for our students to live honestly with the truth always as their guide, and to be able to build future relationships founded on justice, respect and responsibility.

Con este lema, como motor de nuestro proyecto educativo, aspiramos a que nuestros alumnos vivan con una actitud honesta que actúe siempre en base a la verdad y puedan construir auténticas relaciones sociales de futuro basadas en la justicia, el respeto y la responsabilidad.



Our school ethos is composed of the following fundamental values that help our students meet their personal and professional challenges.

Nuestro ideario recoge los siguientes valores fundamentales para ayudar a los alumnos a hacer frente a sus retos personales y profesionales.

A ‘Whole Child’ Approach

Working in Partnership with Parents

Recognition of our Spanish and English Cultures

Fostering Curiosity and Independent Learning

One School, One Community

Critical Thinking and Decision Making

Preparing for Life

For more information contact us